TORII Tsubaki(illustration) MOAI Noboru(short story) "Woman in blue dress"


A visual story with pictures and photos that invites you to a mysterious world!

Inspired by masterpieces of fairy tales from Japan and abroad, the 3rd volume of the "Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series", a picture book for adults produced in collaboration with fantasy girl painters and Moai Noboru, has been published!

The painter of Volume 3 is Tsubaki Torii, a painter who draws inner images peculiar to adolescence with a disturbing atmosphere.

All the recorded paintings are newly drawn!

* Read all of this series! Please enjoy your favorite volume and your favorite story.


If it's such a beautiful nightmare, I want to see it every night.

--Midori Fukasawa (Gothic & Lolita model)


"It's okay. Just seeing you again like this is enough."

The woman leaned her face against the man's chest, and she whispered, "I'm sorry."

From [Woman in a Blue Dress]


Everyone felt sorry for me and was very kind to me because one of my arms was still a swan wing.

He may have been the youngest among his siblings.

  From [One-Winged Prince]


Dark fairy tales based on familiar fairy tales such as "Snow White" and "Cat in Boots".

◎ Recorded works

Wo Aesthetic Club ~Snow White/Brothers Grimm

One-Winged Prince ~Wild Swan/Andersen

Girl and Boots ~ Cat in Boots / Perot

Woman in a Blue Dress ~The Little Mermaid/Andersen


★ "Publication Commemorative Original Art Exhibition" will be held!

Saturday, January 9, 2021 to Thursday, January 21, 2021 Open every day during the exhibition period

 12:00-19:00 (until 17:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

 Admission fee is 500 yen (common to exhibition rooms A and B)

Location: Vanilla Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo [details]

*This book will be sold in advance at the venue!

* Live streaming from the venue, such as commentary on works by both authors and mini readings, is also planned.

Check out the above gallery website and Moai Noboru's Twitter account!


[Search for books related to Moai Noboru]


Ankoku Märchen picture book series Now on sale!

◎ Tama (picture) Moai Noboru (text, photos, composition)

"Night Dream Flight ~ Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series 2" [details]

◎ Kozue Kuroki (illustration) Moai Noboru (text, photos, composition)

"One-legged Clown ~ Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series 1" [details]

◎The painter of Volume 4 is Makiko Sugawa. Scheduled to be published in the fall of 2021!


▼ Torii Tsubaki [twitter] [HP]

Presented works mainly in watercolor paintings at solo exhibitions and group exhibitions.

He draws inner images inspired by the disturbing atmosphere and unease that lurk in everyday life.

Unable to escape from her gaze when she was a young girl, she projects the obsessive thoughts peculiar to her childhood and the things in the corners of her memory into her work.

This work is the first collaboration with the first climb, and all the works have been drawn down.

 Solo Exhibition 2012 "femmelette" Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo)

2015 "Goodbye" Gallery Matsubayashi (Tokyo)

2017 "Delusion" Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo)

In addition, there are many group exhibitions mainly in Tokyo.

▼ Moai Noboru [twitter] [HP]

story writer.

Since her screenwriting debut, she has expanded her light novels and novels.

In recent years, she has made full use of typography and photography in her novels, which has become her main focus, and has constructed a narrative world that appeals to her eyes, even in her book design. She is also notable for her activities that have developed her writing expression, and has developed artwork such as presenting objects and photo collage works at her publication commemorative exhibition. In the recitation performance of her own book, she not only reads aloud, but also plays a role from planning to directing, collaborating with various musicians and artists.

She was also involved in the selection of five artists for the Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series, which includes this work.

Main books: "Night Dream Flight - Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series 2", "One-legged Clown - Dark Fairy Tale Picture Book Series 1", "Furniture Alley Kitan" (Kozue Kuroki/Illustration), "Dr. Odd's Mad Collections" (Dollhouse Noah/Photo) All published by Atelier Third.

B5 size, 64 pages, 2,255yen (consumption tax not included)


ATELIER THIRD is the publisher in Japan. We publish various notable art books.