OHTSUKI Kana "Dreams and Scars"

Girls, survive the future!

Since her debut in 2007, Kana Ohtsuki has used the motif of girls as a kind of "vessel" with no center to depict the feelings of modern Japan and girls.

A long-awaited collection of works that condenses her 17-year trajectory!

*Includes commentary on all works by the artist herself.


My arts are born from sadness and pain, and in creating a path to blessing from there, I needed to deal with "dreams" in a hopeful sense that are connected to reality but have a different perspective.

The more difficult the reality we find ourself in, the more we feel that our ability to dream is being tested, and I believe that this is what will give us the strength to survive the future.

--Kana Ohtsuki

>> Kana Ohtsuki

Born in Kyoto Prefecture in 1984. Artist. Currently a visiting professor at Saga Art University.

She mainly creates paintings using acrylic paints, based on the emptiness of modern Japan and the concept of "vessel."

As an illustrator, she has also provided many works for book covers and CD jackets.

In 2021, he planned "Japanese Contemporary Utsuwa Theory 1" (Yumeshika Publishing), a compilation of research on capturing Japanese sensibility through the lens of "vessel." Since then, she has published the series every year and is in charge of direction.

B5 size, 96 pages, 3,091yen (consumption tax not included)

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